
当サロンは、広告・ビューティーの撮影を中心に活動している 高橋精が、俳優、女優、ミュージシャン、モデルの方々の撮影前の準備場所としてマンションの一室にオープンしました。

Tadashi Takahashi, who is active mainly in advertising and beauty photography, opened this salon in a room of an apartment as a preparation place before filming for actors, actresses, musicians, and models.
*Infectious disease prevention measures: We wipe and disinfect the floor after each customer.



이 살롱은 광고·뷰티 촬영을 중심으로 활동하고 있는 타카하시 세이가 배우, 여배우, 뮤지션, 모델 분들의 촬영 전 준비 장소로 아파트 한실에 오픈했습니다.

ブローしなくても 髪の指通りも良く快適、次のご来店まで そのヘアスタイルは持続します。

It is a cutting technique that I met in NY and evolved in Japan.Take your time and carefully cut your dry hair.You can easily run your fingers through your hair without blowing it.The hair style tile will last until the next visit.



NY에서 만나 일본에서 진화시킨 컷 기법입니다.시간을 들여 정중하게 마른 상태의 머리카락을 잘라냅니다.블로우하지 않아도 머리카락의 손가락 거리도 좋고 편안합니다.다음 내점까지 그 스헤어 스타일 타일은 지속됩니다.

◆ About Tadashi Takahashi
Responsible of hair&make-up for over 3,000 commercials for famous companies in Japan and overseas, PVs for famous musicians, magazines, etc.
Hair&Make-up Artist
Master of Airbrush Make-up
Global Artistic Director of TmaxAcademy
Facial&Dental Prosthesis Artist
Face&Body Painting Artist
Japanese White Make-up Artist
Councilor of Shiseido Beauty Academy
Special Professor of Kose Beauty Academy
Internship Instructor of Harajuku Belle Epoque Beauty Academy
Professional makeup artist of MAKE UP FOR EVER (Paris&Japan)
Global Recruiter of MAKE UP FOR EVER Academy(Worldwide)
Member of The Powder Group (USA)
Member of Professional Beauty Association (USA)
Member of Japan Beauty Method Association (Japan)

◆ Biography
2015 Study abroad Paris National Studio la Cite du Cinema MAKE UP FOR EVER TV&CINEMA Academy First intensive lecture in the world Acquired airbrush makeup and special makeup for Super Hi-Vision shooting, becoming the first Japanese to be selected alone.
2016 Registered as a professional makeup artist in Paris MAKE UP FOR EVER.
2017 Inventing a color theory based on the world’s first foundation primary color pigments Tadashi original method 、
[T-method / primary color method] to domestic and foreign make-up artists Global Recruiter certification of Paris MAKE UP FOR EVER Academy.
2018 Established Tmax Academy Appointed as Global Artistic Director Started educational activities for makeup artists and beauty students in Japan and overseas Appointed as a councilor of Shiseido Beauty Academy.
2019 Shiseido Top Hair and Makeup Artist and Beauty Student Airbrush Makeup Special Exhibition.
2020 Kose Beauty Academy Airbrush Makeup Special Class.
2021 YouTube video [white make-up]: Achieved 470,000 views, Kose Beauty Academy Airbrush Makeup Special Class, Shiseido Beauty Academy Board of Trustees Reappointed Councilor.
2022 Shooting commercials in Japan and overseas Hair and makeup and resuming seminars Kose Beauty Academy Airbrush Makeup Special Class, International Photo Contest COSMOS AWARDS 2nd place.
2023 TPG and PBA Member, International photo contest COSMOS AWARDS 3rd place.

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